Kick-off meeting EnDurCrete project 16th of January 2018, Brussels

On January 1, 2018, the project funded by the R & D program H2020 “ENDURCRETE – New Environmental Friendly and Durable with Crete, integrating industrial by-products and hybrid systems, for civil, industrial and offshore applications” has been started. .


The project consortium consists of 15 entities belonging to 11 countries, with a total budget close to 6 million euros and a duration of execution of 42 months.

The Kick off Meeting was held in Brussels on Tuesday, January 16, with the participation of Infra Plan Director,  Dr. Irina Stipanovic, who is also leader  of the Task 6.5 Prototyping, demonstration and performance validation in a bridge in Croatia. Task 6.5_presentation_endurcrete

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