
New ENvironmentally friendly and DURable conCrete

Project title: New ENvironmentally friendly and DURable conCrete, integrating industrial by-products and hybrid systems,

for civil, industrial and offshore applications

Project website: edurcrete.eu

Project duration: 01/2018-12/2021

Funding: Horizon2020, Grant Agreement No 76063

EnDurCrete concept is based on the following novel technologies and tools:

Novel cement, by including sustainable, high-quality supplementary cementitious materials (classified coal combustion fly ashes and ground granulated blast furnace slag).

New multifunctional coatings enabling concrete self-healing properties based on resin microencapsulation and protecting both concrete and rebar from aggressive agents.

New smart fillers based on nano-modified clays, for anti-corrosion properties and based on micro carbon-based materials (such as carbonaceous inerts like char and the finer fraction of a used foundry sand, derived from industrial by-products) for mechanical and self-sensing properties. The structural self-sensing properties will be complemented with environmental sensors casted in concrete.

Concrete non-metallic multifunctional reinforcing systems, based on technical textiles integrated with optical-fibre sensors, enabling both structural reinforcement and continuous structural health monitoring. The systems will be optimised aiming at a proper trade-off between productivity, robustness, and concrete reinforcement adhesion.

Advanced non-destructive continuous monitoring and testing tools and procedures, including technologies tuned for the self-sensing concrete systems. Durability properties of the components will be assessed and monitored. The new developed tools will be integrated by conventional durability testing procedures.

Coupled experimental and computational approach for theoretical and experimental understanding of factors affecting durability. Modelling and simulations applied at micro-mesoscale are carried out defining representative elementary volumes of cement paste, mortar, and concrete as well as modelling applied at macroscale is performed representing the whole concrete infrastructures. These continuum models are solved by finite elements analysis.

The combined experimental and computational approach will enable long-term durability assessment and resulting service life prediction of the target infrastructures exposed to severe environment. All the technologies developed during the EnDurCrete project will be tested at four demonstration projects across Europe.

Our tasks:

  • Infra Plan is, in close collaboration with Slovenian National Civil Engineering and Building Institute, organizing prototyping of samples for the demonstration activities related to the bridge demonstration site in Croatia, as well as laboratory and in-situ testing and performance validation.

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