Vulnerability assessment of embankments and bridges exposed to flooding

Project title: Vulnerability assessment of embankments and bridges exposed to flooding

Project website: projectoverflow.eu

Project duration: 12/2019-07/2022

Funding: European Union Civil Protection Grant Agreement Number 874421

The overall objective of the oVERFLOw project is strengthening resilience to climate change impacts with the specific objective being the development of climate-resilient infrastructure. This is achieved by enhanced methodology for the vulnerability assessment of embankment and bridges to floods through the following:

  • reducing the known uncertainties in the Dutch VNK 2 approach using novel techniques and procedures including application of non-destructive geophysical investigations, advanced sensors and UAV equipped with multiple camera to identify piping and additional sensors to provide real-time response of a critical infrastructure object (levee of bridge) during a flood event.

  • calibration of advanced numerical models based on investigation results, with development of the fragility curves for embankments and bridges is performed. Based on the results of the enhanced methodology a risk forecasting tool is developed, using downscaled climate change and flooding scenarios, in order to estimate direct and indirect impacts, followed by strategies for adaptation measures. The project provides solutions to known weakness in the state of the art vulnerability assessment of two types on infrastructure that are critical to providing resilience to flood events. The developed methodology is implemented on two case study pilot sites at flood prone areas in the Netherlands and Croatia.


Our tasks:

  • Quantification of direct and indirect flood impacts
  • Development of Risk Forecasting Tool
  • Application of Risk Forecasting Tool on case studies
  • Integration of Risk Forecasting Tool into GIS mapping

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