Safety of Transport Infrastructure on the TEN-T Network

Project title: Safety of Transport Infrastructure on the TEN-T Network

Project website:

Project duration: 05/2017-04/2020

Funding: Horizon 2020, GA No. 723254

SAFE-10-T project developed a Global Safety Framework focusing on multi modal transport infrastructure network including road, rail and waterways. At the core of this Framework is a Multi-modal Network Decision Support Tool providing integrated solutions to issues related to infrastructure safety and planning. The project is considering a number of common problems faced by EU infrastructure managers, leading to the realisation of a number of key policy objectives namely; increased safety and capacity of networks, reduced environmental impact and improved competitiveness of the transport networks.


Infra Plan konzalting led WP2 FLOW in which a network flow model was developed linking the nodes and interchanges across the modes. Whole life cycle model (WLCM) with the aim of integrating owners, users and societal costs related to transport infrastructure was developed. The model determines economic and environmental impacts (cost benefits) of planned developments and unplanned (e.g. hazards, failures) disruptions followed by the cost benefit of structural and

maintenance interventions. It is using the probabilistic information provided by risk assessment models which is then integrated into the DST (Decision Support Tool) for optimisation leading to a more reliable, available, maintainable, safe and cost-efficient infrastructure.


Our tasks:

  • Whole Life Cycle Model (WLCM) with integrated probabilistic reliability models
  • Economy and environmental impacts analysis of planned developments and unplanned disruptions of transport infrastructure
  • Demonstration projects Suurhoff bridge in the Netherlands (picture source:, Rijkswaterstaat / Joop van Houdt or and Tunnel Brajdica in Croatia (

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