Early Warning Systems and Public Awareness for Cascading Disasters

Project title: Critical infrastructure early warning systems and population awareness for multi hazard cascading events 

Webisite Project:

Project duration:  01/03/2024 – 28/02/2026

Funding:  EU Civil Protection Mechanism UCPM-2023-KAPP-PREV; GA Number 101140336

CRISAFE aims to develop and implement a harmonized risk assessment methodology tailored to the unique challenges posed by cascading multi-hazard scenarios in participating countries. Building on insights from previous initiatives like oVERFLOw and CROSScade, the project integrates advanced vulnerability assessment methods into comprehensive risk evaluations. By incorporating innovative visualization tools into critical infrastructure management platforms, CRISAFE seeks to establish a cascading multi-hazard Early Warning System (CHEWS), which will strengthen disaster resilience across multiple countries.

The project also prioritizes public awareness by creating strategies to improve access to information on cascading risks. Through carefully planned case studies in Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Zagreb (Croatia), CRISAFE demonstrates the practical applications of its findings within the IT platforms used by Critical Infrastructure Managers (CIMs) and first responders.

CRISAFE embodies the collective expertise of experienced collaborators dedicated to tackling the complex challenges of urban flooding and related hazards. With its innovative methodologies and strategic partnerships, CRISAFE aims to set new standards for resilience and risk management across Europe’s urban areas.

Our Tasks:        

  • Adjust Bayesian-based risk assessment to evaluate cascading urban infrastructure failures for the identified hazard scenario
  • Adapt the risk methodology for clarity, ease of communication to CIMs and CPAs, and compatibility with CI Asset Management systems
  • Implement the risk assessment methodology on selected critical infrastructure in case study areas

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